Friday, December 7, 2012

Autumn in Sweden


It is cold and snowing today, so I feel like reminding myself that we had some very nice weather not all that long ago. We didn't do any exciting traveling this fall. Everyone is a bit travel weary. So here are just a few fall pictures from southern Sweden.
We did go on a nice, long bike ride with the family one day. We went from our house up and around Råbelövssjön-- a fairly large lake. We'd tried to drive around it once, but were thwarted by the nature preserve on one side (no cars allowed). With bikes, we could make it all the way. It was about a 30 km (19 mile) ride.
Råbelövssjön--this is the swim area. Nice feature of Sweden--
beaches are free. Too bad its so cold all the time. :-)

Cute goat farm

Beautiful picnic spot in the nature preserve

Typical flat farmland

A cute little church

I think the detached bell towers are interesting.
 The rest of these pictures are from the nice stretch of woods that is just a few blocks from our house.I love that I can walk in these woods and forget that I live in town.

A beautiful double rainbow we experienced during
a walk in the rain

And our extended yard-- the park across the street from us