Sunday, September 18, 2011

Katten Hus

So what do you do when you're living overseas (with a "no pets" lease) and your kids miss their cat?  We'd hoped there would be some roamers in the neighborhood that they could "adopt" but no luck so far with that.  So one weekend we hit the computer trying to find an animal shelter to visit. That is not as easy as you might think.  Apparently, while the government does about everything here, one thing they do not do is shelter unwanted animals.  We lucked out, though, and found there was a cat rescue place very close to our house and that they had open house hours on Saturday afternoons.

They currently have around 30 cats in the place.  Yes, the smell was pretty overwhelming, but it was a pleasant place.  There was a large room with some couches and tables here and there and then a bunch of cat condos.  The cats were free to roam where they wished.  They also had a window open to a fenced in outdoor play area so they could go in and out.  There were literally cats eveywhere and of every size, shape and personality.  The only cages were for new cats that needed to be kept separate for a while. We all enjoyed playing with, petting, and brushing cats. I'm sure we'll be back again.