Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hunting Swedish Moose--and Tanks?

Sweden is known for their moose. We're told they have trouble with the German tourists stealing their Moose Crossing signs from the motorways.

But while we'd seen plenty of moose crossing signs, we had not seen any moose.  It didn't seem our stay would be complete without a moose sighting, so we decided to cheat a little.  One Saturday morning we drove over to Ingelbo Moose Park ( The couple who owns the park started with just renting some bed and breakfast rooms in their house.  Their guests enjoyed walking in their forest land but always wanted to see moose.  So the owners decided to help them out and bought a few moose.  Now they have a bull and two cows.  The cows have several babies each year which are then sold to other parks when they get old enough.  The moose live in several large fenced areas.  We were lent a pair of binoculars and given some hints on where we may find animals. 
The bull moose was fairly easy to spot. 
Then we were excited to spot one of the cows with her two little babies nearby. The babies were only a few weeks old.

We took the trails out through the forest to get to the other feeding area--
in hopes of spotting the second cow and her twins. 
It was a beautiful day and it was very quiet and peaceful.
A neighboring farm
There were a couple of HUGE anthills. 
We didn't ever spot the other moose, but enjoyed the walk anyway.
The moose really do look a lot like a stump or log when laying in the forest.
As we came back by the first area, the moose were kind enough to show off more for us. 
The babies were awake and alert now.  Their long ears looked like bunny rabbits.
So adorable!


Dad Moose was trying to play Hide-and-Seek now, but with limited success.
The gift shop included all things moose.
We thought this was the ultimate Swedish item-- a moose-shaped cheese slicer!

 Sweden is not known for their military, but on the way home, we stopped to see the Hässleholms Museum. My husband had seen it many times from the train on his way to and from the airport and had wanted to check it out.   It was full of vehicles-- mostly military. The boys loved it.
They had several of these mobile bridges.  They were huge. You can see the train going by behind.
The place was full of all sorts of tanks and other military vehicles.

Some of the odder things included armored kitchen carts and machine shops.  I hadn't really thought about all the auxiliary equipment an army needs.
I don't think I'd want to be transported anywhere on this stretcher!


They also had a few examples of other transportation, like this carriage room and a room full of fire equipment.
 We finished the day off with the best fast food in Sweden--hurray for kebab stands.  It was a great day trip.